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Supply Chain Management Solution: A demand of time

An undesirable incident:

In June 2023, a garment supplier from Faridpur, Bangladesh, received an order of 100,000 pieces of women’s apparel from a US dealer. The consignment was loaded in a truck and dispatched to Chittagong, BD where it was unloaded and reloaded in a container and the same was loaded on a vessel. 38 days later, the consignment reached the importers warehouse, and it was found that the container contained only 42,335 pieces of apparel and the rest were missing. After investigation, it was found that the exporter packed the entire order of 100,000 pcs in 3 trucks, but while being loaded at Chittagong port, just 42,335 pcs were recorded and loaded in the container.

Sad consequences:

The truckers were unable to locate the rogue drivers and were made to compensate for the loss that occurred to the suppliers. The importers, however, suffered a loss of business due to low supply and no time to re-import the lost part. The suppliers lost their goodwill, eventually. It’s obvious that the whole deal went bad, in spite of the good intentions of the main players.

The root cause:

Such bad deals are becoming more and more common lately. If we look deeper, it would be obvious that the lack of control of the system is the beginning point for all such undesirable instances. If we consider the above example, the manipulation would not have been possible had the container been booked, loaded and sealed at the supplier’s warehouse and then loaded in the trucks. But as easy as the solution may sound, it becomes difficult to imply for many suppliers with a lack of communication with the Freight Forwarders, proper tracking system and container booking facilities from remote / distant areas from the port. The EDI tracking system is very complicated and not accessible to many of the suppliers, especially to those who are far away from the port area and not well acquainted with the proceedings.


An end-to-end solution for the supply chain is thus a demand of the time now. A solution that would simultaneously provide for the supplier / importer –

  • A swift and easy cargo booking facility from any place.

  • End-to-end (Warehouse to warehouse) Container tracking system.

  • Rate calculation and audit system.

  • Contract management system.

  • Automated billing system.

  • Rollover data and other necessary updates.

  • Confirmation of delivery.

The Solution Provider:

The above requirements further needed to be customized from supplier to supplier and even from importer to importer. Different truckers, shippers, port authorities, and cargo specifications add a lot of components to the equations to make them more and more complex to the end user. That is why the demand for automated solutions packages is increasing every day.

Rouhani Insights Pvt. Ltd. is an India-based software company who are providing supply chain management solutions to many US, China and Southeast Asian clients since 2018. A team of SMEs are ready to provide the necessary know-how to the clients to design a software solution customized for their needs, develop the system and provide on-the-spot / online support to run the business smoothly. A symbiotic environment of growth and prosperity is what Rouhani offers to its clients. No distance is too far when we stop racing for it and start going together.